Sunday, July 23, 2006

kept promises!

i'm damn glad both of us kept our promises, though it needed encouragement from YOU to help me keep them. see i shy. haha and oh, putting you in CAPS make it sound like i'm talking about this D.O.G. person. more about that later.

haha it's cool the 1st time we talk on the phone after any shit happens. it's all normal talk (read: full of laughing and joking) without any hint of any problems. then after awhile we can start talking about the problems. wow i will never be able to start joking with the person immediately when talking on the phone. it'll be all gloom and doom. so it'll take a special idiot to be able to pull that off. haha idiot i'm talking about you!

from now on, my phone will be on 24/7 awaiting your call, ready for you to turn to me when you need me. 4times is waaaaaaay too much. thanks for telling me.

love ya.

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