Sunday, July 09, 2006

you think we whole day take taxi ar?

if you had read the sunday times today, there was a report on the fee hike on taxis. according to the report, it will be better to own a car instead of taking a taxi since the difference in cost is so small that it does not need to be taken into account. pay little bit more, get your own car, so convenient and shiok, might as well buy car? but they based their report on someone who takes a taxi indiscriminately whether it's to the NTUC to buy groceries or to work.

nahbeh you think we whole day take taxi ar?

also, they compared this with buying the cheapest car, made in china. wa lao you want to buy this type cheapo car, you might as well buy a bicycle? yes, it's cheaper and affordable but do you need to even consider buying a car if you have to stoop so low and scrimp and save just for 1? it says alot about your income and yourself as a person. no money still wanna show off. go die la! of course, there's legitimate and justified cases such as using it as a cheap form of transport to send your grandmother to hospital for her thrice weekly pyhsiotherpay but how many of us have grandmothers who need to go hospitals so often?

nahbeh who say buy car about the same as taxi?

take MRT or SBS Mercedes la! bigger is better!

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